The Healing Power of Yoga For Aging Joints
In the US, 49.6% of people over the age of 65 are diagnosed with arthritis; and this statistic is only set to rise. Joint-related issues, particularly with the elderly, are highly prevalent - yet it only takes a simple lifestyle change or two for the relief of pain, symptoms and improved mental well-being.... -
Are Organic Products Good for Us and the Environment?
Secrets to Improving Mindfulness In today’s world, there is a revolution in seeking mindfulness and adding mindful habits to our daily routines, but why? We already know that affirmative thinking is proven to positively impact and shape our lives, but mindfulness goes beyond our thoughts. Mindfulness, according to Greater Good Magazine at... -
Could Climate Change Affect Coastal cities like Miami, New York, and Guangzhou, China?
Super Blue Blood Moon 2018: What to do and why